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Job Search and Career Resources in Northeastern New York: Resumes and Interviews

Find a job and advance your career in the tri-county region and beyond.

Best of the Web

How to Apply for a Job Online

Click below for a useful article on how to use the internet to extend the reach of your resumes.

Resumes and Interviews

Preparing for your job search is important.  Learning how to create and tailor your resume, make a great impression at an interview and how to use social media and the internet to "get yourself out there" is all here on this page.

Prep for Success

Put your best foot forward with our Prep for Success kit. Whether you need help with writing a resume, tips for job or college interviews, or just some accessories to make you feel professional and confident, this kit has you covered. It contains a messenger bag, a portfolio with note paper and a pen, resume paper, thank you cards, a guide on how to write a resume, a book on nailing an interview, and even a tie with instructions on how to wear it. Check out the kit free of charge.


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