New York State offers an abundance of sports activities during the winter season. From skiing and snowboarding to ice climbing, hiking, and other outdoor pursuits, parents and children should follow the safety rules of the sport.
Winter is a fun time for children, but it also may be dangerous. Parents should be aware of some simple safety tips for their children when they go sledding or tobogganing:
Parents, if you are sledding with your children, follow these rules yourself.
Parents should be aware of some simple safety tips for their children when they go ice-skating:
Prolonged exposure to cold temperatures can cause hypothermia, especially in children and the elderly. Watch for these symptoms:
Remove wet clothing, wrap the victim in warm blankets and give warm, non-alcoholic, non-caffeinated liquids until help arrives.
People working or playing outdoors during the winter can develop frostbite and not even know it.
There is no pain associated with the early stages of frostbite, so learn to watch for these danger signs: