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2024 Winter Reading Challenge: Books Read

I Was Here

I liked that the friend of a friend that committed suicide tried to find out why.
- Beth II, 3 out of 5

It Starts with Us

I liked the Love that the 2 main characters had for each other.
- Beth II, 4 out of 5

Seriously... I'm Kidding

I found her to be funny and humane.
-Beth II, 4 out of 5

Brother and Sister

I did not realize what a dysfunctional family the author came from.
- Beth II, 3 out of 5

Bookshops and Bonedust

My husband had read the 1st book and highly recommended it for me. We play TTRPGs, and my most recent fantasy character was a half orc. Everything about these books was delightful and well crafted. The characters are gorgeously flawed, and smart mouthed. The scents of coffee and baked goods well expressed. I was comforted with things unexpected of the setting, but constantly found fantastic surprises. My husband said I can adopt a Griffith if I can find one I enjoyed these books on Audible, and the writer happens to be an excellent voice actor. The reading was some of the best I've heard.
- Sara, 5 out of 5

The Last List of Mabel Beaumont

This was chosen from Prime Reading when I finished a book and still couldn't sleep. There aren't enough books about 86 year old women. This novel follows Mabel figuring out how to go on, or maybe start, living after the death of her husband. There is a lot of making tea and walking the dog, yet it's a beautiful and engaging story.
- Sara, 4 out of 5

Adnan's Story

If you listened to the podcast Serial with Sarah Koenig or watched the HBO miniseries about the case, you should definitely read this book. There were things about the case I never knew that were revealed in this book. I don't always agree with Chaudry's social media choices but I agree that the state's trial was a mess and the police were criminals.
-Jen, 4 out of 5

Demon Copperhead

Demon (Damon) Copperhead is a boy in the Appalachian Mountains living in poverty and going through the foster care systems. He has many traumatic experiences but perseveres in the end. Reminiscent of David Copperfield.
- Shirley, 5 out of 5

The Whispering Dark

It was listed as campus fiction in the record and it takes place at a university. People who like paranormal fiction in a college setting might like this book. While the story was interesting, I did not like the style it was written in and only finished it to check off this particular reading challenge.
- Sherry, 2 out of 5

Legend of Nightfall

The Return of Nightfall

Funny this is nothing like what I usually read but it was available as an audiobook so I tried it, and really liked it. These books are about a guy named Nightfall who thinks himself a demon. He goes by many names and has had a not so great upbringing. He ends up with a prince and their travels are interesting and even laughable. If you enjoy books about kingdoms and all that goes along with that and also when right and good prevail then you would probably like these books.
- Beth, 4 out of 5

The Memory of Us

The main character has a letter at the end of the story that holds the answer to a question that could change the trajectory of their life and she throws it in the fire instead of opening it. I think the premise of this book was interesting but once the family learns why Amelia was found on the mud flats and what caused her to have these false memories of her life the rest of the book kind of falls apart. It's not bad it just felt like there should have been something more.
- Jenny, 3 out of 5

Tress of the Emerald Sea

I started this book in the summer as a long distance read along with a friend but neither of us got very far. This book was fun while I was reading it but I found that every time I put it down to wait for my friend to catch up with me I had no desire to start reading it again. I think I would have enjoyed it more had I read it at my own pace.
- Jenny, 3 out of 5

Time Travel Inn

This is an interesting concept and I can see the draw to read this type of book, written I’m thinking for the middle schooler. This is a mystery that the reader can choose at many junctures which way to take the story. So I guess if you like mysteries and some degree of control you would enjoy this book.
- Beth, 3 out of 5

Wild Is the Witch

Because I didn't have much time before the holidays last year to read, I checked this out since it was a standalone. However, I ran out of time to read it before I went on vacation so I didn't get to it. People who like young adult books about magic and witches might like this book.
- Sherry, 3 out of 5

Oona Out of Order

I found it on a list of books with time loops that authors enjoyed reading. The premise of this book is very interesting and I'm sure it was difficult to write such a convoluted time line without getting lost in it. That part was cool, but I didn't really enjoy the main character. She frustrated me. I felt like she should have been better at coping with her situation.
- Jen, 3 out of 5

Tom Lake

People who have tried acting should read this book.
- Beth II, 3 out of 5

Team of Rivals

I liked that Abraham Lincoln was very respected.
- Beth II, 3 out of 5

While Mortals Sleep

People who enjoy Kurt Vonnegut's short stories might like this collection. While I liked his short story "Harrison Bergeron", I didn't like any of the stories in this book at all and if it wasn't one of the challenges, I wouldn't have finished it.
- Sherry, 2 out of 5

I'll Be Gone in the Dark

Very interesting story of the tracking of the Golden State Killer. If you have any interest in cold cases and the pursuit of a serial rapist and murderer you would enjoy this book. It helped me to know that the creep had been caught.
- Beth, 5 out of 5


I've really enjoyed almost all of the other Jodi Meadows series I've read. Jodi Meadows' stories tend to not follow traditional fantasy storylines so I really appreciate her books. People who like young adult fantasy would probably enjoy her series.
- Sherry, 4 out of 5

Flame in the Mist

People who prefer reading young adult fantasy based on feudal Japan with the theme of revenge might like this first book in the duology. This was the first time I've read this author and I definitely enjoyed it and intend to read the second book.
- Sherry, 4 out of 5

A Moveable Feast: the Restored Edition

I am not a Hemingway fan, but our book club read this for this month and it fits this category. I was glad I had read The Paris Wife and had seen a PBS special on Hemingway. That helped me have a better idea of his memories and what was going on in his life during this time period.
- Mary, 3 out of 5

Abide with Me

The author describes life in a small town where gossip gets out of hand and turns the town against their minister. The book also handles the subject of grief and how the minister responds to the loss of his wife and mother of his two young daughters.
- Mary, 4 out of 5

Ella Minnow Pea

This is an epistolary novel that is also a lipogram. The topic is the panagram, "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog". On this fictional island the panagram is displayed via tiles that are starting to become unglued. When a tile falls the letter on it becomes illegal to use. I have omitted the first 5 illegal letters from my review for fun.
- Jen, 4 out of 5

A book with your favorite color on the cover

A book you planned to read in 2023

A book with winter in the title

A “slice-of-life” book

A book about revenge

A book based around a specific mythology

A book by a Middle Eastern author

A book you saw in a TV show or movie

A choose-your-own-adventure book

A nonfiction book with a two & a four in the call number

Two books with opposing antonyms in the titles

A graphic novel in your favorite genre

A book with an ambiguous ending

A book with a periodic table element in the title

A book centered on Artificial Intelligence (AI)

A book with a time loop

A book set at a college

A novella

A book published posthumously

A duology