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Disaster Preparation: Hurricane and Storms

Disaster is rarely something that can be anticipated, but with the proper preparations, you can help minimize the risks, damage, and perhaps even prevent some incidents.

New York State Prepare

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Disaster Assistance

There are several resources in New York to assist your organization recover from hurricanes and other damaging storms. The State Office of Emergency Management provides assistance, including access to products and recovery services.

The State Library and State Archives have resources to assist you.  Contacts, services, and resources are listed below by your organization type. The State Library and State Archives are also responsible for gathering information about the extent of damage to your building and/or collections as well as recovery costs.  Contact Barbara Lilley (518-486-4864) or Maria Holden to report the impact of the storm on your organization. 

Guide to Navigating FEMA and SBA Disaster Aid for Cultural Institutions

Funding for Non-Profit / Non-Government Organizations with Damaged Collections

Salvaging and Caring For Your Family Treasures

From the NEDCC:


State Library staff are available to provide advice on recovering collections.  Contact the State Library at (518) 486-4864. Additional resources

State Agencies:

Archives staff are available to provide advice on recovering damaged records. When agency records are believed to constitute a hazard to human safety or health or to property, the agency records management officer may request authorization from the State Archives to destroy or dispose of such records immediately. Contact the Archives at (518) 474-6926 or (518) 473-4254. Complete listing of State Archives disaster services and resources

See also Hurricane Sandy Information from the NY State Department of Emergency Management

Local Governments:

The State Archives Regional Advisory Officers are available by phone/email to provide advice on recovering archives and records and to assist you in applying for a recovery grant. Local governments may be eligible for up to $20,000 in disaster recovery funding for damaged records. Contact your Regional Advisory Officer or call the Archives at (518) 474-6926 or (518) 473-4254. Complete listing of State Archives disaster services and resources

Other Cultural Institutions (museums, historical societies, non-government archives):

State Archives and State Library staff are available to provide advice on recovering collections.  Contact the State Library at (518) 486-4864 or the State Archives at (518) 474-6926 or (518) 473-4254.

Additional Resources

National Disaster Recovery Fund

Any repository that holds archival records or special collections is eligible to apply for a grant. The repository need not be a member of the Society of Southwest Archivists (SSA) or the Society of American Archivists (SAA).

Grant monies may be used for the direct recovery of damaged or at-risk archival materials; such services as freeze drying, storage, transportation of materials, and rental facilities; supplies, including acid-free boxes and folders, storage cartons, cleaning materials, plastic milk crates, and protective gear; and to defray the costs for volunteers or other laborers who assist with the recovery.

NYLA’s Disaster Relief Fund:  Make a donation online

100% of funds collected will be distributed to libraries in need.


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