Disaster Information Resources
Primary NN/LM MAR Contact: Michelle Burda / Network & Advocacy Coordinator
The National Network of Libraries of Medicine, Middle Atlantic Region (NN/LM MAR) provides assistance to our members in preparing for and responding to disasters or localized emergencies. MAR staff are available to assist with emergency preparedness and response activities, from risk assessment, training, and developing a disaster plan.
Icon | Access | Description |
WISER (Wireless Information System for Emergency Responders) from the National Library of Medicine (NLM) assists first responders in hazmat incidents, with features including substance identification support, containment and suppression advice, and medical treatment information. | |
Mobile REMM |
Mobile REMM (Radiation Emergency Medical Management) from National Library of Medicine (NLM) provides guidance about clinical diagnosis and treatment of radiation injuries during radiological and nuclear emergencies. | |
SAMHSA Behavioral Health Disaster Response Android Blackberry iPhone |
SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration) Behavioral Health Disaster Response connects behavioral health responders to evidenced-based behavioral health resources for use in the field. Users can acces pre-loaded resources when Internet connectivity is limited, locate nearby treatment facilities, search for key materials and share information with colleagues and survivors. | |
CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) app and mobile webpage provide health and safety information related to emergencies and disasters. | |
The FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) app and mobile enhanced webpage provide goverment disaster response information. | ||
Outbreaks Near Me Android iPhone |
Outbreaks Near Me from HealthMap provides real-time, seachable disease outbreak information for your neighborhood on interactive maps. | |
ReUnite Android iPhone |
ReUnite from the NLM (National Library of Medicine) provides the ability to upload missing and found person information for family reunification during and after disasters. It provides structured information to the NLM People Locator service. | |
American Red Cross Android iPhone |
American Red Cross has a suite of apps with useful step-by-step instructions on what to do before/during/after natural disasters. The apps also include an "I'm Safe" feature to notify family and friends that you are okay. | |
PFA Mobile Android iPhone |
PFA Mobile by the National Child Traumatic Stress Network assists responders who provide psychological first aid as part of an organized response effort. | |
Responder Self Care Android iPhone |
Responder Self Care from the University of Minnesota School of Public Health aids those deplyed to emergency response events in maintaining their own physical, emotional, and social wellbeing. | |
ERG 2012 Android iPhone |
The ERG 2012 app from the U.S. National Library of Medicine for the U.S. Department of Transportation provides first responders with a go-to resource to help deal with hazmat accidents during the critical first 30 minutes. | |
CAMEO Chemicals Mobile Web |
The CAMEO Chemicals tool is designed for people involved in hazardous material and incident response and planning. | |
MedlinePlus Mobile Web |
The MedlinePlus mobile enhanced webpage provides acces to consumer-oriented health information on disaster topics in English and Spanish. |