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Gardening in the North Country and Local Food Sources: Start Gardening!

Do you want to grow your own food, or find locally grown food in our northern New York region? Or do you want to beautify your landscape or help the environment? We have resources for you!

New Gardening Books You Can Request

Click on one of the books below to find it in our catalog.  You can click on the "Place Request" button, log in with your library card number and PIN, and have the book delivered to your local library!

Books for the Beginning Gardener - How to Start

The best gardening books you can buy (or borrow from your library!)

A recent article in the magazine "Business Insider" picked reviewed five gardening books as the best and most useful.  You could buy them, but why spend the money you could spend on seeds, plants, or raised beds?  We have them all in our library system!  You just saved about $75!

Here are the top five according to

Focus on Local!

We're focusing on what grows here, how to grow it, or where to find it!

The public libraries in Clinton, Essex and Franklin Counties have many resources available to gardeners of all skill levels, as well as people who want to cook and eat local food or protect the environment by learning about pollinators and native plants.

This guide highlights the books and videos you can borrow, local organizations you can contact, and how to find fresh, locally grown food in our area.

Vegetables at the Farmer's Market

Timely and Local Podcasts

Databases for More Serious Research

Through New York State, public library patrons are able to access a wealth of information that would normally require a paid subscription.  There are many databases of full text journal and magazine articles at your fingertips through the New York Online Virtual Electronic Library.

Two of these databases are especially helpful for serious gardening and agriculture questions:



Local Help for Gardeners

Cornell Cooperative Extension offers information on soils, site improvement, plant selection, proper plant care, eco-friendly practices, integrated pest management, composting and  more. They offer free or low-cost gardening classes, and opportunities to share your love of gardening as a volunteer. We have three locations you can contact with gardening questions in our region.

Ebooks on Gardening

Our collection of ebooks is growing and includes some great gardening titles.  You can see all of them by clicking on this link:  Gardening Ebooks.  Below is one example.