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Health Information @ Your Public Library: Heart Health

Health resources for children, adults, and seniors.

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Did You Know?

Food Love Pepper Heart on Black_2 by Ano Lobb. @healthyrx, on Flickr
Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States and is a major cause of disability. More than 600,000 people die of heart disease in the U.S. each year. That is 1 in every 4 of all U.S. deaths. In addition, heart disease is a leading cause of disability in the U.S. (U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention).

Apps for Managing Heart Health

AARP recommends the following apps and devices:

Healthy Heart 2The Healthy Heart app is a prevention / monitoring app for high blood pressure / high cholesterol patients who are at risk of heart diseases, as well as their caretakers.

HealthPalis a small portable device that uses wireless (Bluetooth) or wired connectivity and M2M cellular technology to collect and transmit health readings from compatible retail medical monitors to a user’s electronic health record (EHR).

Heartwise Blood Pressure Tracker HeartWise is an easy-to-use application for quickly recording and keeping track of your blood pressure, resting heart rate, and weight.

Cardiio - A completely new way to check your pulse. Just hold your Apple phone or tablet in front of you and get your heart rate accurately measured in seconds. Can be integrated with RunKeeper.

Withings Health CompanionThe Withings Health Mate is the simple way to take care of yourself and stay healthy. It’s free to download and is designed for anyone who wants to lose a few pounds, exercise more, keep an eye on their blood pressure, or sleep better.

AliveCor ECG Heart MonitorThis free Apple app records ECG and heart rate readings quickly and accurately, and is intended to be used with AliveCor's Heart Monitor.  The monitor can be prescribed by a doctor and costs $199.  

Heart News from MedLine Plus

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Heart News from the American Heart Association

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Local Community Resources for Heart Health

CVPH in Plattsburgh Offers a Mended Hearts Support Group:  A support group for heart disease patients and their families.

Essex County Public Health Department Offers education and prevention services for individuals with concerns about heart disease. 

Cornell Cooperative Extension in Essex County Offers nutrition education for individuals concerned about heart disease.

Adirondack Medical Center in Franklin County Offers rehabilitation for heart disease patients.