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Health Information @ Your Public Library: Stress

Health resources for children, adults, and seniors.

Ebooks from your Library on Stress Management

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images of some ebooks in our collection

Did You Know? Stress is Decreasing, but Still High in the U.S.

According to the American Psychological Association, stress levels reported by Americans have been declining over the past few years, but 20% of those surveyed still reported extreme levels of stress in their lives in 2012 (see more information here). The most common causes of stress were money, work and the economy.

Try these practices to reduce stress in your life:  yoga, meditation, tai chi, massage, or simply get out and walk!

To find local yoga classes, this site is helpful:  Also, for any kind of service, try and type in your location followed by they type of service you are looking for, for example "Saranac Lake, NY meditation."

Helpful Videos

Featured Videos:

Apps to Manage Stress

Try these free or inexpensive apps for Apple and Android smartphones and tablets.

Relax Melodies, an app to help you get to sleepRelax Melodies

Relax and Rest Guided Meditations AppRelax and Rest Guided Meditations

Breathe 2 Relax App, helps you calm yourself with breathingBreathe 2 Relax


Books from your Library on Stress Management